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Welcome to the Noonaroos AA Home Page

Noonaroos meets online every day at 1200 Noon, Pacific Time.

Noonaroos was founded and is based in Seattle, Washington, USA, but we have attendees from all over the world, and all are welcome! Keep coming back; It WORKS!


In our meetings, we read a portion from AA literature, and share our experience, strength, and hope around the topic of the reading (or whatever is on our minds or need to share).
The chairperson will have up to 10 minutes to share after the reading.
The chairperson will then call on people. We ask that everyone please try to limit your share to 3-5 minutes, in order to give everyone a chance to speak.

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Get Involved!

Our business meeting is held on the third Sunday of each month, directly after the regular, noon meeting, in the same Zoom room as the regular meeting. If you’re interested in becoming a homegroup member or discussing business for the Noonaroos meeting, please join us! All are welcome to attend, participate in discussions, and get an idea of how AA structure works, at the group level and beyond. Home Group members are strongly encouraged to do so, and vote on matters affecting our group and AA as a whole.

Service Positions

Service is a vital part of the "triangle" of recovery, and staying sober! The best way to stop dwelling on your problems is to get out of yourself and be of service to other alcoholics in recovery. There are a great many service opportunities to be found at the local, regional, and world AA levels, and the best place to start is with your local group(s).
Noonaroos always has service positions open to Home Group Members, such as Greeters, Meeting Secretaries, co-hosts, and others.

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In keeping with the 7th tradition, the Noonaroos AA Group has no dues or fees. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Donations pay for our Zoom account, business expenses, and group donations to Seattle Intergroup, World Services, District 25,and Area 72. You can donate to Noonaroos via Venmo @NoonaroosAA or by following the PayPal link. It's easy and you don't need an account at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/NoonaroosAA, or click the donation button below.

**(In order to donate without signing up for a PayPal account, select the "Donate with Debit or Credit Card", button on the page which opens after clicking the Donate, button.)**

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Attendance Verifications

For meeting attendance verifications, fill out the form below within one hour of end of meeting.
Please be sure to follow instructions carefully, especially regarding the topic.

If you are taken to the "form sent" page after submitting the form, but don't receive a confirmation email please DO NOT submit the form multiple times! This will delay your and others' verifications from being sent. If you have not gotten any response within 24 hours of submitting, please send ONE email to verify@noonaroos.org, and allow 24 hours for a reply.

*NOTE: It is generally best to use the verification form, however, if you encounter an error with the form, please send an email, with all the information listed in the form, to verify@noonaroos.org.

(All fields required)
E-Mail Address:
Date of Meeting
Meeting Time
Meeting Topic * *Note: Please enter the actual meeting topic. "AA/Meeting/Open Meeting/Noonaroos/Big Book/Steps/Traditions/Daily Reading", and other generic entries do not allow us to verify that you attended the meeting. If it was a Big Book, Step, Tradition, or daily reading, please put the step/tradition number, chapter, or topic of the reading. You can always ask the Host/Secretary for the topic if it is not announced, or just put what seemed to be the theme of the shares, or who was hosting.

Sobriety Coins

If you are celebrating a clean & sober birthday/milestone of 30 days or more, and would like a sobriety coin, fill out the form below and we will mail one out to you!
(All fields required)
E-Mail Address:
Mailing Address:Number: Unit:

City: State: Zipcode:
Sobriety Date
Sobriety time:

Noonaroos Safety & Inclusion Policy

Tradition Five states: "Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers".
Any person seeking help with a drinking problem is welcome at Noonaroos.

While Sharing our own Experience, Strength, and Hope can sometimes be triggering or upsetting to some members, we do not restrict any sharing on this basis. No one is guaranteed a space free of uncomfortable, traumatic or unpleasant truths as they relate to staying sober and helping others to achieve sobriety, however, our common welfare must always come first.

It is this group’s conscience that if any person endangers another individual or disrupts the group’s efforts to carry A.A.’s message, the group may ask that person to leave the meeting until they are willing and able to adhere to these standards.

Crosstalk in A.A. is when a person interrupts a person who is speaking, gives advice to, or asks questions of others who have already shared. The individual speaks to them directly, instead of speaking to the group as a whole.

Noonaroos does not permit crosstalk. We direct our comments to the group and not to any particular individual. We do not attempt to fix, advise or rescue anyone. This makes it safe for us to share what is in our hearts and minds, free from judgement or unsolicited advice.

If an individual wants advice, they are welcome and encouraged to stay after the meeting and ask for feedback, which may then be given in a non judgemental manner.

A.A. membership does not include having to tolerate sexual harassment, threats of violence, financial coercion, or bullying. Nor is pressuring A.A. members into a particular point of view or belief relating to medications, religion and other outside issues acceptable. No one should have to tolerate racial, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or other discrimination when they seek help from A.A.

We do not allow any form of hate speech or intolerance for others' identity or personal beliefs at any time in our meeting space, whether before, during, or after meetings.
This includes pejorative statements based on any person or group's actual or perceived: Age, Ancestry, Citizenship or immigration status, Color, Creed, Disability, Gender identity, Marital status, National Origin, Parental status, Political ideology, Race, Religion, Sex, Sexual orientation, Caste, or any other legally protected class.

Noonaroos strives to safeguard the anonymity of A.A. members and attendees; however, keep in mind that anonymity in A.A. is not a cloak for unsafe and illegal behavior. Addressing such behavior and/or contacting the proper authorities when appropriate, does not go against any A.A. Traditions and is meant to ensure the safety of all in attendance.

The short form of Tradition One states: “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.” Recognizing the importance of group unity, our group strives to create a safe meeting environment in which alcoholics can focus on achieving sobriety.

(Statement adapted from Service Material from the General Service Office - Safety Card for A.A. Groups, Safety and A.A. flyer, and, Safety and A.A.: Our Common Welfare. Protected class information compiled from Seattle Anti-Discrimination Law.)
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